Federal Empowerment Zone

time running out in hourglass

Senate passes H.R. 1865

We are almost at the finish line! As expected, this afternoon, the Senate passed H.R. 1865, Further Consolidated Appropriations, 2020, which contains a one-year extension of WOTC and a retroactive extension of Federal Empowerment Zone as well as Indian Employment Credit through December 31, 2020. The President is expected to sign the bill into law by tomorrow. Extenders’ provisions will become effective on the signing date, and official text of the new public law will be published in coming days. We will let you know once it’s signed into law!

Senate passes H.R. 1865 Read More »

success sprout coming out of cracked earth

Tax Credit Extenders Renewal Continues to Move Forward

H.R. 2029 has been amended with the The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act to both renew and expand various credit programs. In particular, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program (WOTC) will be renewed for a period of 5 years, with a retroactive start date of January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2019. Also included in the renewal of WOTC is an expansion in which a new target group has been added to the existing 9 groups. The new target group is the long-term unemployment recipient, which includes individuals who have been receiving federal or state unemploy

Tax Credit Extenders Renewal Continues to Move Forward Read More »

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