Tax Reform

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Update on Tax Reform and its potential effect on WOTC

On September 27, the Republicans revealed the framework of what they hope to accomplish with tax reform. Herein is a general overview of their plan and the impact we believe it can have on the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). Considering the proposed reduction in the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20%, deductions and credits are not necessary to the same degree that they were in the past. Under the Republicans’ framework, two popular credits are explicitly referenced to be continued:

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Update: Tax Reform and the Future of WOTC

Recent Developments

The Senate Finance Committee voted the tax reform bill out of committee on Thursday, November 16 in a similar fashion to the House plan, suggesting an aligned strategy orchestrated by Republican leadership. All Democratic amendments were voted down by party-line votes. All Republican amendments were withdrawn in favor of the Chairman’s mark. As it turns out, the bill that was voted on does not reference WOTC. This likely means that WOTC will be left in place until December 31, 2019, based on the existing law.

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