Client Case Study

1Completion Progress
Name of the person submitting this form.

Client Profile

Please provide as much information as possible on the client.
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 1
Leave blank if not applicable or write "in-house" if they performed the work internally.
How long have they been in business, what service/product do they provide, what makes them unique, etc. This information is usually posted on their website under "About Us"

Case Study Content

Please give as much information and details as possible.
Explain the problem in great detail. What was happening and how was this impacting the company, their employees, etc.
Explain the steps we took to solve their problem. Who all got involved. Mention any partner(s) that we leveraged, if any, etc.
What happened as a result of the solution we provided? How long did it take for them to see results? What were the before/after figures, time savings, intangibles, etc.

Client Contacts

List the people involved in this case study from the client side.
Whenever possible, try to collect this directly from the client. If that is not an option, please come up with a statement that would best represent the client's sentiment (in your opinion). If you cannot come up with something, please leave it blank and marketing will create something.
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